Best Modeling Practices

Best modeling practices for a better detailing service

Censco offers a wide range of 3D CAD solid modeling services. We have nearly 10 years experience in the documentation of all types of equipment. Our goal is to be more competitive, efficient, and better at the detailing services.

It is for this reason that each one of our clients meet basic requirements when creating 3D models. This is important. Some of these best practices are listed here:

The main sketch must be completely defined and preferably centered with the work planes.

That all sketches and derived operations also be defined in their totality.

  •  All critical dimensions and tolerances for manufacturing purposes should be defined and specified from the model.
  •  That models have all properties (such as materials, description, part number and part name) already defined.
  •  If possible, that reference drawings be supplied.
  •  That all necessary templates be supplied (as materials list table or assembly list) for an appropriate detailing.
  •  That the standard scales to be used be specified.
  •  If the parts to be detailed need a specific finish, treatment or notes, these need to be provided.
  • All notes for welding, manufacturing processes, cutting, casting, heat treatment must be provided
  •  If parts or assemblies are controlled by external files (Excel tables, or automated designs), to send us an instructive guide line of how to handle these automated templates.
  • If an internal best practices document for modeling and drafting exist for your engineering department, then you should make it available to us so we can apply them to your work.

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